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Skin care in autumn: Caring for Your Natural Glow in Falling Leaves Season

Fall Skin Care: Caring for Your Natural Glow in Falling Leaves Season

Autumn brings with it a magical atmosphere of falling leaves, warm sweaters and delicious seasonal drinks. However, changing weather conditions can also affect the condition of your skin. That's why it's worth adjusting your skincare routine to stay healthy and glowing all season long. Here are some valuable tips on how to care for your skin in the fall.


Moisturizing first

As air temperatures fall, humidity drops, which can lead to dry skin. Choose creams and serums rich in moisturizing ingredients. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin and vegetable oils will help maintain skin hydration at the appropriate level.

Gentle cleansing

Avoid aggressive soaps and cleansing gels that can dry out the skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers that remove impurities without breaking the skin's protective barrier.


Enzymatic and mechanical peels

Regularly exfoliating dead skin cells will help your skin maintain a healthy glow. In autumn care, it is worth using enzymatic or mechanical peelings that gently remove dead skin cells.

Lip and hand care

Lips and hands are especially prone to dryness in the colder months. Use moisturizing lip balms and hand creams. If the skin on your hands is particularly dry, put on a layer of cream before bed and put on cotton gloves to effectively moisturize the skin.


Creams with a UV filter
Even though the days are getting shorter, it is still worth remembering about protection against UV radiation. Choose moisturizing creams with a UV filter to effectively protect your skin from the negative effects of the sun.

A diet rich in antioxidants

Healthy skin starts from within. Include fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants in your diet, which help fight free radicals and support the healthy appearance of the skin


Remember to hydrate
Drinking the right amount of water is key to keeping your skin hydrated from within. It is worth taking care of regular consumption of water, herbal tea and fruit juices.

Plant oils in care
Plant oils, such as argan, coconut or jojoba oil, can be a great complement to autumn care. Add a few drops of oil to your moisturizer or use as an extra layer of moisturizer at night.


Skin care in autumn is the art of maintaining a balance between hydration and protection. Adapting your skin care routine to changing weather conditions will help keep your skin in great condition. Remember that every skin is unique, so experiment with different products to find the perfect care for you. Have a great, healthy and radiant fall season!

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