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Skin protection in the summer

During the summer, our skin is particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of UV rays, which can lead to sunburn, premature skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it is extremely important that we properly protect our skin and use the right cosmetics that will protect it. Here are some key tips and information to keep in mind. It is important to choose a product with the right sun protection factor (SPF). Depending on your skin type and level of sun exposure, you should choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. If you have oily skin, you can reach for gel or spray products that are lighter and do not leave an oily film on the skin. People with dry skin may prefer creams with additional moisturizing properties.

    1. Choosing the right sunscreen: Choosing the right sunscreen is key to protecting your skin in the summer. Applying sunscreen: Apply sunscreen carefully to ensure optimal skin protection. Apply sunscreen to all exposed parts of your body, including face, neck, arms, legs and décolletage. Remember that applying the sunscreen should take place at least 15-20 minutes before sun exposure, so that the active ingredients have time to be absorbed. Reapply every 2-3 hours and after each contact with water or towel drying.

    2. Protecting Extra Areas: We often overlook certain areas of the skin when applying sunscreen. Remember to protect sensitive areas such as mouth, ears, nose, neck, back of hands and feet. You can use a protective sunscreen balm for your lips, and apply a spray or sunblock to other areas.

    3. Avoiding intense sun: The sun's most intense rays are usually between 10am and 4pm. As much as possible, avoid direct sun exposure during this time. However, if you must be outside, remember to protect yourself. Wearing headgear, such as a wide-brimmed hat, can effectively protect your face and neck from excessive sun exposure. Also seek shade when possible to reduce skin exposure to the sun.

    4. Moisturizing the skin: In summer conditions, the skin can become dehydrated and lose moisture. Therefore, it is important that we take care of proper hydration. Choose lightweight moisturizers that don't weigh your skin down or clog your pores. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and aloe vera can be especially beneficial for moisturizing and refreshing the skin in the summer. Also remember to drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

    Protecting your skin in the summer is an extremely important topic. Using sunscreen regularly, avoiding overexposure to the sun, and keeping your skin properly hydrated are the key factors to keep your skin healthy and beautiful throughout the summer. Remember that sun protection does not only apply to sunbathing, but also to everyday outdoor activities. Take care of your skin, enjoy the sun and have a great summer!

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